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CAPEXIL Registration in India

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CAPEXIL Registration in India: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are an exporter looking to expand your business and take advantage of international trade opportunities, registering with CAPEXIL (Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council) in India can be a crucial step. CAPEXIL is an organization established by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, to promote and facilitate the export of chemicals and allied products from the country. In this article, we will walk you through the process of CAPEXIL registration in India and explore the benefits it offers to exporters.

What is CAPEXIL Council?

capexil, established in 1963, is an Export Promotion Council that operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. It represents Indian exporters of various chemicals and allied products and works towards promoting their interests in the global market. CAPEXIL plays a pivotal role in facilitating international trade and fostering a favorable environment for the growth of the chemical export sector.

Why Should You Register with CAPEXIL?

Registering with CAPEXIL  offers a myriad of benefits for exporters. It provides them with valuable market insights, access to trade opportunities, and assistance in resolving trade-related issues. Additionally, CAPEXIL conducts various export promotion activities and participates in international trade fairs, which can significantly enhance an exporter’s visibility and credibility in the global market. Therefore it is important for manufacturers and merchant exporters to have RCMC registration of the CAPEXIL board.

Documents Required for Registration

To initiate the registration process, exporters need to submit the following documents:

  • Proof of Incorporation: Certificate of Incorporation or Registration of the business entity.
  • IEC (Import Export Code): A valid IEC code issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT).
  • PAN Card: Permanent Account Number (PAN) card of the business entity.
  • Bank Certificate: A certificate from the exporter’s bank confirming the exporter’s account details.
  • Export Performance: Details of the exporter’s export performance in the past financial year.
  • Product Catalog: A catalog of the chemicals and allied products that the exporter deals with.
  • Other Legal Documents: Any other relevant legal documents as required by CAPEXIL.

What is the Fee for CAPEXIL Registration?

  1. The membership registration fees for CAPEXIL differ for MSME and Non-MSME members. The CAPEXIL admission fee for MSME’s is INR 3,000 for the small category and INR 5,000 for large category manufacturers. The annual fee for the first year for all new MSME members is only Rs. 1,000.
  2. Here is a table summarizing the membership fees:

The cost of CAPEXIL membership registration for Small scale industry is:

Type of Fees Small scale industry
Admission fees Rs. 3,000 + 18%GST
Annual fees Rs. 7,500 + 18%GST

The fee of CAPEXIL membership registration for Large scale industries as follows:

Type of Fees Large scale industry
Admission fees Rs. 5,000 + 18%GST
Annual fees Rs. 14,500 + 18%GST

Some additional charges for CAPEXIL membership

  • For additional panel fees the cost is INR 1,000 for each panel.
  • Dual RCMC Fee for members of type Manufacturer cum Merchant Exporter is Rs. 1,000  once in 5 years.

Validity of CAPEXIL Membership

The registration cum membership certificate for CAPEXIL council is valid upto the time period of 5 years.


Procedure For CAPEXIL membership Registration

The process of registering with CAPEXIL is as follows:

  • Application: Applicants are required to file online application with the CAPEXIL council
  • Documentation: Once the application is filled, all the required documents need to be submitted. Authorities will verify these documents before granting a CAPEXIL certificate.
  • Submission of Fee: Once all the document process is complete, applicants are required to submit. Their registration fee as applicable
  • Issuance of Certification: After all the verification and cross checking, the CAPEXIL RCMC will be allocated to the applicants.

Benefits of CAPEXIL Registration

The registration with CAPEXIL (Chemical and Allied Products Export Promotion Council) offers numerous benefits to businesses operating in the chemical and allied products export sector. Some of the key advantages include:


Global Recognition: CAPEXIL is a recognized and respected body in the international trade community. By being a registered member, businesses gain global recognition and credibility, which can significantly enhance their reputation in the global market.


Market Access: CAPEXIL provides valuable market intelligence and insights, helping businesses identify potential markets and export opportunities. This access to market information can be crucial in making informed decisions and tapping into new markets.


Networking Opportunities: Membership in CAPEXIL offers opportunities to connect with other exporters, industry experts, and government officials through seminars, trade shows, and events. Such networking can lead to collaborations and partnerships that further expand business prospects.


Export Promotion: CAPEXIL actively promotes the interests of its members and the export sector as a whole. Through various promotional activities and initiatives, businesses can gain increased visibility and exposure in international markets.


Export Documentation and Support: CAPEXIL assists its members in obtaining and processing various export-related documents, which can be complex and time-consuming. This support streamlines export procedures and reduces administrative burdens.


Access to Government Incentives: Registered CAPEXIL members may be eligible for certain government incentives, schemes, and subsidies aimed at promoting exports and supporting the growth of the industry.


Industry Research and Analysis: CAPEXIL conducts research and analysis on market trends, policy changes, and industry developments. Businesses can benefit from this valuable information to stay competitive and adapt their strategies accordingly.


Training and Skill Development: The council organizes training programs and workshops to enhance the skills and knowledge of exporters, helping them navigate the complexities of international trade more effectively.


Resolving Trade-related Issues: CAPEXIL acts as a bridge between its members and government authorities, assisting in resolving trade-related issues and addressing challenges faced by exporters.


Representation in Trade Disputes: In cases of trade disputes, CAPEXIL provides support and representation to its members, ensuring their interests are protected and advocating for fair trade practices.


CAPEXIL registration reaffirms our commitment to excellence, international trade, and responsible export practices, positioning us as a prominent contributor to the chemical and allied products export industry. With this affiliation, we are excited to embark on a promising path towards greater achievements and advancements in the future.


Yes, IEC Code is one of the prerequisite to acquired CAPEXIL certification

The fee for CAPEXIL registration or membership is INR  3,000-5,000 depending upon the type of industry.

The Registration cum membership certificate for CAPEXIL is valid up to 5 years

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